Literary Drama: A Recap of Authors' Noteworthy Moments in 2023

We’ve all done things that we regret…

But the internet is forever…

And these moments will go down in literary history…

As the Cringiest Author Moments in 2023

Cait Corrain’s Book Deal Crumbles Amidst Accusations of Sabotaging Fellow Writers' Reviews! 😱

Susan Meachen May Have Faked Her Own Suicide for Book Sales 😵‍💫

Lauren M. Davis Thinks She Has A Copyright On Characters Who Can Wield The Power Of The Sun? ☀️

Cait Corrain’s Book Deal Crumbles Amidst Accusations of Sabotaging Fellow Writers' Reviews! 😱

Cait Corrain’s U.S. publisher and agent dropped her over allegations of orchestrating fake negative reviews on Goodreads, a move known as review-bombing.

The controversy, which took a racial turn, because most of the writers were POC, prompted Del Rey Books to yank Corrain's "Crown of Starlight" from its 2024 publishing lineup!

In a late-night mea culpa, Corrain confessed to the accusations, citing a psychological breakdown triggered by new medication.

Susan Meachen May Have Faked Her Own Suicide for Book Sales 😵‍💫

Romance novelist Susan Meachen shocked her online community when, after allegedly dying by suicide in September 2020, she revealed her death had been staged!

Initially, her daughter announced the tragic news on Facebook, leading to fundraisers and tributes in her honor.

The revelation of Meachen's return, admitting her suicide was a ruse, left her community angry and confused.

The online writing group, once supportive, now feels betrayed.

Some members suspected the deception due to grammar mistakes. Meachen, blaming family issues, defended her actions, igniting outrage.

Lauren M. Davis accused Marve Michael Anson of plagiarizing the sun in her upcoming West African Yoruba-inspired story, "Firstborn of the Sun."

The controversy sparked when Marve shared progress on her tale of a young warrior harnessing the sun's power for fantastical feats.

Lauren responded accusing Marve of copyright infringement, claiming a similarity to her book, "Nova's Playlist," where the protagonist also controls the sun.

However, Twitter users quickly dismissed Lauren's accusations, emphasizing that tropes and simple ideas aren't copyrightable. 

Lauren faced backlash, accused of racism and rage-baiting, while Marve focused on her writing career, blocking Lauren on social media.

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